Tattoo Apprentice No More!

I moved to Philadelphia in August of 2016, and started my tattooing apprenticeship at the end of that same month. That was over two years ago now. Last night, I did the last tattoo of my apprenticeship. My mentor took a look at the work I’ve done so far…and today I got a message from him letting me know I’m done being an apprentice! So, what does this really mean, the END of my tattooing apprenticeship?
At some point in the very near future, I’ll start phasing out my current day job as a receptionist, and spend all my working time at the tattoo shop. I’m hoping to build a solid base of clients here, create a lot of good art, boost my social media platforms, and start travelling around to conventions and doing guest spots in other shops. What I really want is to be a vanlife tattoo artist, on the move from shop to shop, city to city, maybe even drive down through Mexico, Central America, and South America, tattooing my way through a dozen different countries. Meeting people, making money, having experiences, being free as fuck…that’s the dream for me.
Now that I’m through my apprenticeship, and have started to build a small portfolio and client list, all of this feels closer and more real…more possible.
Here’s a couple of my favorite tattoos from the past month…and please reach out to me if you’d like a tattoo!
Tattooing Instagram: sevtattoos
Vanlife Instagram: sarah_7e
Facebook: Seveney Art